‘One Tree Four Seasons’ emerges as a collaborative endeavor between Swedish architect/artist Ulf Mejergren and Finnish artist Antti Laitinen. Born from a single tree, this project unfolds into four distinct installations, each representing a different season and crafted predominantly from materials found in nature. By harnessing the unique offerings of nature’s bounty, each project becomes a poignant reflection of its corresponding time of the year..
Embracing Seasonal Diversity
The essence of each project is further enriched by the tree’s evolving appearance across the seasons, as it seamlessly integrates with the essence of each installation. Situated in a field south of Stockholm, Sweden, the chosen tree—an alder tree—stands solitary atop a small hill adorned with overgrown rocks, remnants of a bygone farming practice.
Crafting Seasonal Narratives
The journey begins in early April with the first project, where the artists weave together dead branches collected from the surrounding forest, forming a sprawling nest encircling the tree. A circular opening allows glimpses of the tree’s interior, where a floor of bent willow welcomes visitors.
In August, the second project takes shape as the artists gather hay from the nearby field, fashioning a floor and seating within the structure, with the tree’s crown serving as the roof. Inside, a concert by the local string quartet pays homage to the tree, while outside, temporary hay bale stairs lead the musicians to their stage.
Capturing the Essence of Nature
As October arrives, the third project unfolds with the collection of freshly fallen leaves, which are delicately placed within the structure. Artificial wind animates the leaves, creating a mesmerizing dance that mimics the natural rhythm of the forest, culminating in a spectacle where real and artificial winds converge.
Culminating in Seasonal Tranquility
February brings the final seasonal transformation as the structure is enveloped in plastic, transforming it into a sauna. Amidst the snowy landscape, the sauna becomes a sanctuary of warmth, heated by wood sourced from the site. As steam rises and mingles with the wintry air, a serene tableau is created—a harmonious blend of nature’s elements and human ingenuity.
Through ‘One Tree Four Seasons,’ Mejergren and Laitinen invite us on a journey through the ever-changing tapestry of the seasons, celebrating the beauty and diversity of nature’s cyclical rhythms.