WhatsApp is reportedly gearing up to introduce a long-awaited feature that has been available on other messaging platforms like Telegram for quite some time. The upcoming update is expected to bring multi-device support to mobile phones, expanding beyond the existing desktop support.

Current Limitations

While WhatsApp has offered multi-device support for desktop users, those who desired to use the same account across different mobile devices were left without this functionality.

New Update Details

According to a report by WaBetaInfo, WhatsApp is actively developing an update to address this gap. The update will introduce multi-device support for mobile phones, allowing users to access their account across multiple devices simultaneously.

Companion Device Feature

This new feature, tentatively named as “companion device,” will prompt users to register the secondary device as a companion to their primary phone. Users will be guided through the process of connecting the secondary device by scanning a QR code using their primary phone.

How to Use:

  • Open WhatsApp on your primary phone.
  • Navigate to the menu or settings and select “Linked Devices.”
  • Use your primary phone to scan the QR code displayed on the secondary device’s screen.

Additional Functionality

In addition to enabling multi-device support on smartphones, this feature will also allow users to install WhatsApp on their Android tablets, using their WhatsApp account as a secondary device. However, the specific release date for this feature is yet to be confirmed.

Previous Reports

Earlier this month, reports surfaced suggesting that WhatsApp is developing a subscription plan for WhatsApp Business users. This plan would enable them to connect their WhatsApp account with up to 10 devices, further enhancing the platform’s flexibility and utility.

About Author

Simon Keller

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