WhatsApp introduced disappearing messages in 2020, with the feature fully rolling out last year. While aimed at giving users more control over their messages, a flaw was discovered where WhatsApp automatically saved media, undermining the disappearing messages functionality. However, a new update is in the works to address this issue.

New Update Details

Reported by WaBetaInfo, WhatsApp is developing an update, spotted in Android version, that will cease auto-saving media from chats and groups where disappearing messages are enabled. This enhancement aims to bolster chat security and improve the effectiveness of the disappearing messages feature.

Manual Media Saving

Despite this improvement, users will retain the ability to manually save photos and videos from chats and groups with disappearing messages enabled. While this adds an extra layer of control, it’s worth noting that the feature is not foolproof. Additionally, unlike platforms such as Snapchat, WhatsApp does not notify the sender when a screenshot is taken.

Additional Features in the Pipeline

In addition to enhancing disappearing messages, WhatsApp is working on other notable features. One upcoming addition is a limitation on the number of times a forwarded message can be sent to group chats, limiting it to just one send. This move is aimed at curbing spam and mitigating the spread of misinformation within the platform.

Furthermore, WhatsApp is also developing a reaction feature, allowing users to respond to messages with predefined reactions, similar to the reaction buttons found on Facebook.

About Author

Simon Keller

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